Charmed Hour: Virtue.
Charmed Hour: Tunnel.
Charmed Hour: Gossamer.
Charmed Hour: Faith is not a delicate flower which would wither away under the slightest stormy weather...
Charmed Hour: Everything goes back to the Earth...
Charmed Hour: Wisdom sails with wind and time...
Charmed Hour: Tears are words that the heart can't express...
Charmed Hour: Sorrow is tranquility remembered in emotion...
Charmed Hour: "I love walking in the rain, cause no one knows that I am crying"
Charmed Hour: I'm a curly kind of girl...
Charmed Hour: I have held many things in my hand...
Charmed Hour: Impressions...
Charmed Hour: No matter how dark the night, somehow the sun rises once again and all shadows are chases away...
Charmed Hour: Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was choice, but falling in love with you I had no control over.
Charmed Hour: Big Smile!
Charmed Hour: Possibly Even Me?
Charmed Hour: Lily...