Giles Watson's poetry and prose:
Nothing to do but test compass which never gives same results
Giles Watson's poetry and prose:
I don't know why I could have cried and didn't
Giles Watson's poetry and prose:
Roads shining like rivers up hills after rain
Giles Watson's poetry and prose:
I never understood quite what was meant by God
Giles Watson's poetry and prose:
And no more singing for the bird
Giles Watson's poetry and prose:
A 5.9 fell 2 yards from me
Giles Watson's poetry and prose:
Sods on the dugout
Giles Watson's poetry and prose:
Machine gun bullets snaking along - hissing like little wormy serpents.
Giles Watson's poetry and prose:
The morning chill and clear hurts my skin while it delights my mind
Giles Watson's poetry and prose:
Now I hardly felt as if a shell could hurt
Giles Watson's poetry and prose:
Enemy plane like pale moth beautiful among shrapnel bursts
Giles Watson's poetry and prose:
Back over frosty Downs with new moon and all stars
Giles Watson's poetry and prose:
Huge bastions with sycamores in moat and tangled grass
Giles Watson's poetry and prose:
Evening censoring letters and reading sonnets
Giles Watson's poetry and prose:
Wet, mortar, litter, almanacs: bitter remains
Giles Watson's poetry and prose:
I still funk the telephone and did not use it once today
Giles Watson's poetry and prose:
Owls on the Daneville road. Machine guns and hanging lights above No Man's Land
Giles Watson's poetry and prose:
Old milestones lichened as with battered gold and silver nails
Giles Watson's poetry and prose:
After the shelling, Horton remarks, "The Bosh is a damn good man."
Giles Watson's poetry and prose:
A great burst stood up like a birch tree or a fountain
Giles Watson's poetry and prose:
Shell-holes full of bloodstained water and beer-bottles among barbed wire
Giles Watson's poetry and prose:
The only time I slept I dreamt I was at home and couldn't stay for tea
Giles Watson's poetry and prose:
The rotten song in the still dark brought one tear
Giles Watson's poetry and prose:
Last Words for Edward Thomas cover