april95013: Kelly in the woods
april95013: Kelly & Miranda in the dark
april95013: Bayless Family at Sam
april95013: Sam Houston truck
april95013: Tillllly
april95013: Big moth excitement
april95013: Giant killer moth in my tent
april95013: Killer moth
april95013: Peeps
april95013: Brooke and mama
april95013: Dylan cut off Barb's head
april95013: Baboo inspecting the fire
april95013: Catch of the Day
april95013: Dipping in Spooky Lake
april95013: Deep in the forest
april95013: I Am... Ramie!
april95013: Spooky Lake at dawn
april95013: Sam Houston trail
april95013: Caught red handed
april95013: Cleared spots
april95013: Logger trauma to our spot
april95013: Target practice
april95013: Erica.. sleeping or dead