ben whitworth: Our view of the Papal apartment!
ben whitworth: Ruins in the Roman Forum, as seen from the Arch of Constantine
ben whitworth: Santa Trinita dei Pellegrini
ben whitworth: The ancient ambo and Paschal candlestick at Santa Maria in Cosmedin
ben whitworth: The dome of St Peter's, from our apartment
ben whitworth: The glorious mosaics in the apse of Santa Maria in Trastevere
ben whitworth: The Holy Father greets pilgrims at the General Audience
ben whitworth: Mosaics in the Chapel of St Zeno, at Santa Prassede
ben whitworth: The Holy Spirit, depicted in a stained glass window above the Altar of the Chair
ben whitworth: Michelangelo's Pieta in St Peter's
ben whitworth: The Pope incenses the altar at Mass in St Peter's