BckWht: Taste of Macau 澳門風味
BckWht: Cages in the sky
BckWht: Good morning sunlight 澳門早晨
BckWht: Whatcha cookin?
BckWht: PoPo's general store 婆婆的士多
BckWht: Snakeman's lullaby 蛇羹搖籃曲
BckWht: The magical world of Fernando
BckWht: Sideshow Fernando
BckWht: Bathing Fernando
BckWht: Sundry Fernando
BckWht: Doggies Fernando
BckWht: self portrait
BckWht: Noodles man 蝦子雄狼
BckWht: Lonely Vita 寂寞維他奶(熱飲版)
BckWht: Waiting for Margaret 等待瑪嘉烈
BckWht: Into the wild
BckWht: in a sentimental mood
BckWht: on the way home 回家路上
BckWht: Goodbye Macau 澳門再見
BckWht: Macau 2010