shadowshador: †Hallucigenia sparsa
shadowshador: Facivermis (†Facivermis yunnanicus) with out the shell
shadowshador: Extinct orthoceratoid (†Treptoceras transversum)
shadowshador: †Amiskwia sagittiformis
shadowshador: Giant vetulicolian (†Yuyuanozoon magnificissimi)
shadowshador: Jawless fish (†Rhegmaspis xiphoidea)
shadowshador: Jawless fish (†Pharyngolepis oblonga)
shadowshador: Extinct cartilaginous fish (†Sibyrhynchus denisoni)
shadowshador: Extinct manta ray (Manta hynei†)
shadowshador: †Deltoptychius wachsmuthi
shadowshador: †Deltoptychius acutus
shadowshador: Extinct cartilaginous fish (†Iniopteryx rushlaui)
shadowshador: Extinct basking shark (†Keasius septemtrionalis)
shadowshador: Extinct basking shark (†Keasius rhenanus)
shadowshador: Extinct hammerhead shark (Sphyrna laevissima†)
shadowshador: Extinct mega-toothed shark (†Otodus megalodon)
shadowshador: Extinct mega-toothed shark (†Otodus auriculatus)
shadowshador: Thresher shark (Alopias carolinensis†)
shadowshador: Needle tooth shark (†Cobelodus obliquus)
shadowshador: Extinct nurse shark (Ginglymostoma subafricanum†)
shadowshador: Spine-brush shark (†Akmonistion zangerli)
shadowshador: Extinct rough shark (Oxynotus crochardi†)
shadowshador: Extinct goblin shark (†Mitsukurina lineata†)
shadowshador: †Tubonasus lennardensis
shadowshador: †Coccosteus cuspidatus
shadowshador: †Acanthodes bronni
shadowshador: Spiny shark (†Cheiracanthus murchisoni)
shadowshador: Extinct sail-finned ray-finned fish (†Pentanogmius evolutus)
shadowshador: Extinct boxfish (†Eolactoria sorbinii)
shadowshador: Extinct ray-finned fish (†Chondrosteus acipenseroides)