gowersaint: I Gesuiti church, Venice
gowersaint: I Gesuiti church, Venice - Assumption of Mary (1555) by Tintoretto
gowersaint: St Michael the Archangel - by Giuseppe Torretti
gowersaint: St Ignatius of Loyola
gowersaint: Calvary, I Gesuiti church
gowersaint: Triumph of the Most Holy Name of Jesus - (1732) by Ludovico Dorigny
gowersaint: Martyrdom of St. Lawrence (1557) by Titian
gowersaint: I Gesuiti, Venice
gowersaint: One hell of a pulpit!
gowersaint: I Guesiti - the sacristy
gowersaint: I Gesuiti - the entrance front from the street
gowersaint: I Gesuiti - the sacristy
gowersaint: On the vaporetto to Torcello
gowersaint: Torcello - waterway
gowersaint: New life
gowersaint: Baptistry and cathedral, Torcello
gowersaint: Torcello cathedral - the apse
gowersaint: Apse mosaic Torcello cathedral
gowersaint: Sanctuary, Torcello cathedral
gowersaint: Last Judgement - the west wall of Torcello Cathedral
gowersaint: The harrowing of hell - Torcello cathedral
gowersaint: Hell and the sufferings of the damned - Torcello cathedral
gowersaint: Detail of the Christ - Torcello cathedral
gowersaint: Torcello cathedral - nave, entrance to sanctuary
gowersaint: An indulgence
gowersaint: Getting about in Venice
gowersaint: Venice - reflections of everyday life
gowersaint: Cima de Conegliano’s St John the Baptist with Saints
gowersaint: Venice - Madonna dell’Orto church, the sanctuary
gowersaint: Venice - Madonna dell’Orto - detail of The Last Judgment by Tintoretto