gtb2003: Great Egret on marsh dock
gtb2003: Key West, Fl
gtb2003: PortRoyal-7922
gtb2003: Apache plume
gtb2003: BirdsofPrey-5445
gtb2003: SEWE2013-5158
gtb2003: _MG_6553a
gtb2003: Callaway Gardens
gtb2003: _MG_1438
gtb2003: img_9308c2
gtb2003: Scotland-8755
gtb2003: Great egret
gtb2003: _MG_0279a
gtb2003: _MG_6164a
gtb2003: _MG_7075b
gtb2003: Organic colors
gtb2003: DragonCon Parade
gtb2003: Digby, Nova Scotia
gtb2003: DragonCon Saturday
gtb2003: Great egret
gtb2003: horse-0647
gtb2003: _MG_4279b
gtb2003: City of Arts and Sciences
gtb2003: Great blue heron