Sergei Golyshev (AFK during workdays): NGC 457: Follow the Owl
Sergei Golyshev (AFK during workdays): Anywhere Is: two fuzzy stars
Sergei Golyshev (AFK during workdays): Anywhere Is: California dreaming, featuring NGC 1499, emission nebula
Sergei Golyshev (AFK during workdays): Anywhere Is: Hyades, also featuring NGC 1647, open cluster
Sergei Golyshev (AFK during workdays): Anywhere Is: The Flame and the Horse
Sergei Golyshev (AFK during workdays): Anywhere Is: Under the Urban Sky, featuring M35 open cluster and NGC 2174 emission nebula
Sergei Golyshev (AFK during workdays): NGC 6913: Astronavigation exams...
Sergei Golyshev (AFK during workdays): Anywhere Is, project SWANS, day 3: Tearing the Veil, featuring NGC 6960, 6992, 6995 and NGC 6940, open cluster