Sergei Golyshev (AFK during workdays): One Megapixel of the Sun
Sergei Golyshev (AFK during workdays): The Transit of Venus across the Disk of the Sun...
Sergei Golyshev (AFK during workdays): Reel around the Sun, revolution I: 23.12.2012, 12:39 MSK
Sergei Golyshev (AFK during workdays): Reel around the Sun, revolution II: 13.07.2013, 11:44:28 MSK.
Sergei Golyshev (AFK during workdays): Reel around the Sun, revolution II.2: 17.03.2013, 09:00:58 MSK
Sergei Golyshev (AFK during workdays): Reel around the Sun, evolution: 18.07.2013, 09:08:18 MSK.
Sergei Golyshev (AFK during workdays): Reel around the Sun, the end of revolution II: 19.07.2013, 08:57:00 MSK.
Sergei Golyshev (AFK during workdays): Reel around the Sun, revolution II, bonus malus: 20.07.2013, 15:14:00 MSK.
Sergei Golyshev (AFK during workdays): Reel around the Sun, revolution III: 22.08.2013, 10:40 MSK
Sergei Golyshev (AFK during workdays): Reel around the Sun, revolution III, Laboratorium Solaris: 26.08.2013, 08:38 - 08:55 MSK
Sergei Golyshev (AFK during workdays): Laboratorium Solaris, filaments on the Sun, 26.08.2013, 08:45 MSK (UTC+4)
Sergei Golyshev (AFK during workdays): Reel around the Sun, mini-revolution: 13.09.2013, 09:07 MSK
Sergei Golyshev (AFK during workdays): Laboratorium Solaris: the Secret Life of the Sun, part 1
Sergei Golyshev (AFK during workdays): Laboratorium Solaris: the Secret Life of the Sun, part 2
Sergei Golyshev (AFK during workdays): Laboratorium Solaris: the awakening of the Sun, 12-13.10.2013
Sergei Golyshev (AFK during workdays): Laboratorium Solaris: AR 1899 & Co
Sergei Golyshev (AFK during workdays): Laboratorium Solaris: The slice of the Sun
Sergei Golyshev (AFK during workdays): Laboratorium Solaris: the most reluctant dataset of the Sun
Sergei Golyshev (AFK during workdays): Laboratorium Solaris: I am FREE!
Sergei Golyshev (AFK during workdays): Laboratorium Solaris: observing the limb
Sergei Golyshev (AFK during workdays): Laboratorium Solaris: Sleeping Sun
Sergei Golyshev (AFK during workdays): Laboratorium Solaris: lazy Sun
Sergei Golyshev (AFK during workdays): Laboartorium Solaris: mildly angry Sun
Sergei Golyshev (AFK during workdays): Laboratorium Solaris: filamentous Sun
Sergei Golyshev (AFK during workdays): Laboratorium Solaris: QHY Sun
Sergei Golyshev (AFK during workdays): Laboratorium Solaris: Magnetism
Sergei Golyshev (AFK during workdays): Laboratorium Solaris: seeing is believing
Sergei Golyshev (AFK during workdays): Laboratorium Solaris: technical
Sergei Golyshev (AFK during workdays): Laboratorium Solaris: the exotic star
Sergei Golyshev (AFK during workdays): Laboratorium Solaris: the season of fountains