adihrespati: 01 im good
adihrespati: change me into we
adihrespati: everything counts i agree
adihrespati: Focus and ignore noises
adihrespati: Smile often
adihrespati: Give every book a chance.
adihrespati: Your life, in your hand.
adihrespati: Play and collaborate
adihrespati: More smiles, less frowns
adihrespati: Appreciate kindness
adihrespati: Think outside the box
adihrespati: Read children picture book and be enlightened
adihrespati: Make way for your dreams.
adihrespati: Keep a jounal
adihrespati: Know what you have, and make the most of it, AT ANY CHANCE (part 1 of 3)
adihrespati: Know what you have, and make the most of it, AT ANY CHANCE (part 2 of 3)
adihrespati: Know what you have, and make the most of it, AT ANY CHANCE (part 3 of 3)
adihrespati: Be happy everyday
adihrespati: Anything can be interesting
adihrespati: Loosen some, tighten some
adihrespati: Ideas never run out
adihrespati: Everyday matters. I agree.
adihrespati: Greet back.
adihrespati: Start well. End well.
adihrespati: Make efforts to understand others.
adihrespati: Adapt the soonest.
adihrespati: Learn with purpose
adihrespati: Oh I know such a lot of things, but as I grow I know I'll know much more. I agree.
adihrespati: Be happy every birthday. Be happy every day.
adihrespati: Wish others to succeed.