B Eagles: Cape Spear with still waters and rock
B Eagles: ducks
B Eagles: pigeons and ducks
B Eagles: signal hill mist drops
B Eagles: Outer Battery Stairs
B Eagles: signal hill kitty
B Eagles: IMG_5095.jpg
B Eagles: Brent wondering if the remote is still working
B Eagles: Try to look natural by a big rock
B Eagles: Brent seeing people on the trail
B Eagles: Brent Taking a break
B Eagles: IMG_5131.jpg
B Eagles: IMG_5130.jpg
B Eagles: foggy walkway
B Eagles: signal hill walkway
B Eagles: chain on the narrow path, Signal Hill
B Eagles: IMG_5112.jpg
B Eagles: IMG_5111.jpg
B Eagles: IMG_5104.jpg
B Eagles: IMG_5103.jpg
B Eagles: IMG_5101.jpg
B Eagles: IMG_5098.jpg
B Eagles: Step into the blue
B Eagles: So many branches into the sky
B Eagles: The Celtic Hearth
B Eagles: Busy crosswalk
B Eagles: Just outside Erin's Pub
B Eagles: The Duke and Velvet
B Eagles: IMG_9658.jpg
B Eagles: IMG_9656.jpg