tista_ceres "Simone Arrigone": Basilica di Santa Maria Assunta in Camogli at sunset
tista_ceres "Simone Arrigone": Rocks at sunset in Camogli
tista_ceres "Simone Arrigone": The back of Camogli
tista_ceres "Simone Arrigone": Rocked by the waves ... let's enjoy the sunset
tista_ceres "Simone Arrigone": Rocks at sunset in Camogli II
tista_ceres "Simone Arrigone": At the end of the day, head for home....another beautiful sunset in Camogli
tista_ceres "Simone Arrigone": Sea, waves, sunset .... thanks mother nature!
tista_ceres "Simone Arrigone": Gulls on the rocks at sunset in Camogli
tista_ceres "Simone Arrigone": Rocks,sea,mountains and sky
tista_ceres "Simone Arrigone": Sky light in Camogli
tista_ceres "Simone Arrigone": The sun goes out into the sea
tista_ceres "Simone Arrigone": fiery sunset in Camogli
tista_ceres "Simone Arrigone": The photographer and the fisherman