willycoolpics.: Ready to go in
willycoolpics.: Outside and ready to capture the Summer away
willycoolpics.: Shall we have this dance?
willycoolpics.: Sometimes it's just nice to stand outside with a friend..
willycoolpics.: Rock, Paper..
willycoolpics.: Fake Dice?
willycoolpics.: "Are you gonna continue my story line or what?"
willycoolpics.: "It's started already? I'm not ready yet!"
willycoolpics.: We need to get outside more..
willycoolpics.: Why have a paintbrush when nature itself is it's own masterpiece?
willycoolpics.: Look what I painted!
willycoolpics.: Rock, Paper- Hey wait a minute..
willycoolpics.: Is that guy over there selling crackerjacks?
willycoolpics.: Have you seen my foot?
willycoolpics.: I caught you!
willycoolpics.: Ok, this time I'm ready
willycoolpics.: *Practice shot*
willycoolpics.: Opening the fence door
willycoolpics.: Surrounded by Nature
willycoolpics.: Can I stay here?
willycoolpics.: Who the heck are you?
willycoolpics.: Is the plane here yet?
willycoolpics.: What are you hiding Boxman?!
willycoolpics.: Run faster Ox, I think there's a monster behind us!
willycoolpics.: Couch Agreement
willycoolpics.: But I don't wanna fly right now..