Sven Rudolf Jan:
Garden helpers on their way
Sven Rudolf Jan:
Kokoda evening sky
Sven Rudolf Jan:
Mamba Estate office and guesthouse
Sven Rudolf Jan:
Digging out a few 'colours'
Sven Rudolf Jan:
Sven Rudolf Jan:
Walkabout in the Yodda River valley
Sven Rudolf Jan:
River crossing 3
Sven Rudolf Jan:
River crossing 2
Sven Rudolf Jan:
River crossing 4
Sven Rudolf Jan:
River crossing 1
Sven Rudolf Jan:
Going home - a 7-day walk
Sven Rudolf Jan:
Ulysses by the office
Sven Rudolf Jan:
Butterfly in the garden
Sven Rudolf Jan:
Butterfly by the track
Sven Rudolf Jan:
Kanga village
Sven Rudolf Jan:
Sunday service
Sven Rudolf Jan:
Fiery pastor
Sven Rudolf Jan:
Crossing Ovi Ridge
Sven Rudolf Jan:
This is the tire we put on!
Sven Rudolf Jan:
Over Kumusi bridge
Sven Rudolf Jan:
PMV view
Sven Rudolf Jan:
Kokoda evening sky
Sven Rudolf Jan:
Estate evening
Sven Rudolf Jan:
Hamlet by Kokoda
Sven Rudolf Jan:
Welcome to Popondetta!
Sven Rudolf Jan:
Preparing dinner at Roger and Lilla-Joyce's house
Sven Rudolf Jan:
Huge Anglican tree
Sven Rudolf Jan:
Priest ordination in the Anglican church
Sven Rudolf Jan:
David Hand's resting place
Sven Rudolf Jan:
PMV ready to roll