Sven Rudolf Jan: The rainforest at Ourofu
Sven Rudolf Jan: Hornbill guarding his nesting tree
Sven Rudolf Jan: Rain forest decay
Sven Rudolf Jan: Tufi mountains I
Sven Rudolf Jan: Dense and lush
Sven Rudolf Jan: Paradise feast
Sven Rudolf Jan: Sima by Didi waterfalls
Sven Rudolf Jan: Veiled forest trio
Sven Rudolf Jan: Ourofu village - 4 hours walk from the coast
Sven Rudolf Jan: Strange fruit 1
Sven Rudolf Jan: Fabulous forest funghi 3
Sven Rudolf Jan: The hunting party setting out
Sven Rudolf Jan: Young hunter
Sven Rudolf Jan: Hunting dog in his right element
Sven Rudolf Jan: What did the dogs find?
Sven Rudolf Jan: A bandicoot!
Sven Rudolf Jan: Face on the trunk
Sven Rudolf Jan: Yellow-beaked rainforest monster
Sven Rudolf Jan: Looking for chestnuts
Sven Rudolf Jan: Scrub fowl in the tree
Sven Rudolf Jan: Scrub fowl in the tree - closer
Sven Rudolf Jan: Kookaburra at the sago place
Sven Rudolf Jan: Spangled Drongo in the forest
Sven Rudolf Jan: Forest at Awanen
Sven Rudolf Jan: Decorative web maker
Sven Rudolf Jan: Striped trunk
Sven Rudolf Jan: Arua smimming hole
Sven Rudolf Jan: Berries on the forest floor
Sven Rudolf Jan: Coconut beach, smoke and rain forest
Sven Rudolf Jan: Drying the wings