Sven Rudolf Jan: Canoes on Marasa beach
Sven Rudolf Jan: Beautiful smile
Sven Rudolf Jan: Forest at Awanen
Sven Rudolf Jan: Forest funghi
Sven Rudolf Jan: Afternoon sun over Kwave hamlet
Sven Rudolf Jan: Mourning gathering - The kids are there too, of course
Sven Rudolf Jan: On the ocean - in the sky
Sven Rudolf Jan: Celeste going to school 1
Sven Rudolf Jan: Korafe dancers at Kofure
Sven Rudolf Jan: Naomi, again
Sven Rudolf Jan: Dancing tapa skirts
Sven Rudolf Jan: From Anna's hand
Sven Rudolf Jan: Let's have river oysters for dinner
Sven Rudolf Jan: Another beautiful morning at Kofure
Sven Rudolf Jan: Yellow-beaked rainforest monster
Sven Rudolf Jan: Patrick was a carrier in World War II
Sven Rudolf Jan: Taro - the heart of Papua New Guinea
Sven Rudolf Jan: Smith in plumes
Sven Rudolf Jan: Eclectus radiance
Sven Rudolf Jan: Bird of Paradise plumes
Sven Rudolf Jan: Motion of the beat
Sven Rudolf Jan: Classical Tufi head dress
Sven Rudolf Jan: Cuscus peeking through
Sven Rudolf Jan: Drying the wings
Sven Rudolf Jan: Reef fishing at Tumari
Sven Rudolf Jan: On their way to school
Sven Rudolf Jan: Raggiana on the lek perch
Sven Rudolf Jan: Raggiana Bird of Paradise