Sven Rudolf Jan: Starting out
Sven Rudolf Jan: Red paint
Sven Rudolf Jan: Palm symmetry
Sven Rudolf Jan: Smiling face
Sven Rudolf Jan: Water girls
Sven Rudolf Jan: Into the rainforest
Sven Rudolf Jan: St Andrew's Cross spider
Sven Rudolf Jan: The Orotoaba-Tumari highway
Sven Rudolf Jan: Rainforest view
Sven Rudolf Jan: Mandarin bark
Sven Rudolf Jan: Mother and child
Sven Rudolf Jan: On their way to the garden
Sven Rudolf Jan: Morning silhouettes and reflections
Sven Rudolf Jan: I didn't do it!
Sven Rudolf Jan: Beautiful Tumari village
Sven Rudolf Jan: Half a canoe
Sven Rudolf Jan: Clothes line under the roof
Sven Rudolf Jan: Bilum baby
Sven Rudolf Jan: Hanging around
Sven Rudolf Jan: Cold dog
Sven Rudolf Jan: Scouting for the tuna
Sven Rudolf Jan: Blue morning at Tumari
Sven Rudolf Jan: Putting out the nets
Sven Rudolf Jan: Blue morning fishing
Sven Rudolf Jan: Hauling the big net
Sven Rudolf Jan: Everybody's on the beach
Sven Rudolf Jan: The net is out - the fish is in
Sven Rudolf Jan: Everybody is taking part
Sven Rudolf Jan: Tuna fishing on Tumari beach