Annie's wonderland (No FM):
Bright yellow
Annie's wonderland (No FM):
FAO & knitted Rainbow sweater dress
Annie's wonderland (No FM):
The Hot Pink
Annie's wonderland (No FM):
Disco Bangle and pink sweater
Annie's wonderland (No FM):
Red and Green
Annie's wonderland (No FM):
Hollywood Star
Annie's wonderland (No FM):
Hollywood Star
Annie's wonderland (No FM):
Monet's new sweater
Annie's wonderland (No FM):
See my Mommy's messy working area
Annie's wonderland (No FM):
You ask me what's wrong with my sweater?
Annie's wonderland (No FM):
You want to see it clearly?
Annie's wonderland (No FM):
See! This is! Only one sleeve on :-)
Annie's wonderland (No FM):
And here is how back look like
Annie's wonderland (No FM):
Am I look handsome? :-)
Annie's wonderland (No FM):
Sweater turns to a dress :-)
Annie's wonderland (No FM):
My second handmade sweater try
Annie's wonderland (No FM):
My second try :-)
Annie's wonderland (No FM):
Annie's wonderland (No FM):
Annie's wonderland (No FM):
Annie's wonderland (No FM):
Annie's wonderland (No FM):
On pure nemo body
Annie's wonderland (No FM):
My first knitted sweater for Lati :-), actually, I should say, for Blythe, LOL~
Annie's wonderland (No FM):
On Takara body
Annie's wonderland (No FM):
My first knitted sweater for Blythe - WIP
Annie's wonderland (No FM):
My little model <3
Annie's wonderland (No FM):
Learning to knit sweater for my girl
Annie's wonderland (No FM):
Bao Bao
Annie's wonderland (No FM):
Haha, 生平第一条手工缝的裤子