Annie's wonderland (No FM): My first Tiina girl - Sammy
Annie's wonderland (No FM): My first Tiina girl - Sammy
Annie's wonderland (No FM): My first Tiina girl - Sammy
Annie's wonderland (No FM): Sammy is experiencing Jet Lag
Annie's wonderland (No FM): Special Sammy has special eyechips
Annie's wonderland (No FM): Blonde Tiina Beauty SAMMY
Annie's wonderland (No FM): I wish another sister :-)
Annie's wonderland (No FM): I love my Teddy bear
Annie's wonderland (No FM): Dreaming of my sister come home :-)
Annie's wonderland (No FM): Did you say that I will have a sister come home soon?! Really?!
Annie's wonderland (No FM): Girls standing nearby when I am sleeping
Annie's wonderland (No FM): One little Bear, two little bear :D
Annie's wonderland (No FM): ADAD 2013, 77/365
Annie's wonderland (No FM): Sammy, the heart freckle girl.