Annie's wonderland (No FM): Hi, my name is Aja~
Annie's wonderland (No FM): 你说我们带她玩吗 - Do you want to play with her?
Annie's wonderland (No FM): Whats on my foot
Annie's wonderland (No FM): Aja, my another little beauty arrived home today.
Annie's wonderland (No FM): Aja has beautiful blue eyes...
Annie's wonderland (No FM): Aja has beautiful blue eyes...
Annie's wonderland (No FM): Aja has beautiful blue eyes...
Annie's wonderland (No FM): Twins - 双胞胎
Annie's wonderland (No FM): Aja and Bebe - 佳佳和贝贝
Annie's wonderland (No FM): Yes, Yes, Yes ^__^
Annie's wonderland (No FM): Do you want to be my buddy?
Annie's wonderland (No FM): I found him on the tree, can I keep him, Mommy?
Annie's wonderland (No FM): Honey, who is this?
Annie's wonderland (No FM): Hey! I don't have my clothes on yet!
Annie's wonderland (No FM): My cute flower undie
Annie's wonderland (No FM): I have my pants on :-)
Annie's wonderland (No FM): Little ones hanging out