Photography by Mike Schmidt:
Slick Rock & Mountains
Photography by Mike Schmidt:
Southern Utah & Henry Mountains
Photography by Mike Schmidt:
Waling into the Top of the Canyon
Photography by Mike Schmidt:
Overlooking the Canyon
Photography by Mike Schmidt:
Hiking on Another Planet
Photography by Mike Schmidt:
Hiking to the Canyon
Photography by Mike Schmidt:
Approaching the Canyon
Photography by Mike Schmidt:
Leprechaun Canyon
Photography by Mike Schmidt:
Photography by Mike Schmidt:
Jonny Leading Through the Canyon
Photography by Mike Schmidt:
Photography by Mike Schmidt:
Inside the North Wash
Photography by Mike Schmidt:
Inside Leprechaun Canyon
Photography by Mike Schmidt:
Andrew Dropping In
Photography by Mike Schmidt:
Amelia Dropping In
Photography by Mike Schmidt:
Rappelling in a Slot Canyon
Photography by Mike Schmidt:
Rose Dropping In
Photography by Mike Schmidt:
Canyoneering Portrait
Photography by Mike Schmidt:
Hiking Through Leprechaun Canyon
Photography by Mike Schmidt:
Hiking in Leprechaun Canyon
Photography by Mike Schmidt:
Discovering What's Around the Next Corner
Photography by Mike Schmidt:
Under the Sun
Photography by Mike Schmidt:
North Wash Canyon
Photography by Mike Schmidt:
Subway of the North Wash
Photography by Mike Schmidt:
Exiting Leprechaun Canyon
Photography by Mike Schmidt:
Hiking in Little Wildhorse Canyon
Photography by Mike Schmidt:
Buckhorn Wash Pictographs
Photography by Mike Schmidt:
Bell Canyon Hike
Photography by Mike Schmidt:
Hiking in Bell Canyon