tangible_audio: Mushrooms 03
tangible_audio: Cathedral Grove 09
tangible_audio: Cathedral Grove 08
tangible_audio: Cathedral Grove 07
tangible_audio: Cathedral Grove 06
tangible_audio: Cathedral Grove 05
tangible_audio: Cathedral Grove 04
tangible_audio: DSC_7266
tangible_audio: Cathedral Grove 03
tangible_audio: Mushrooms 02
tangible_audio: Mushrooms 01
tangible_audio: Cathedral Grove 02
tangible_audio: Cathedral Grove 01
tangible_audio: Trumpeter Swans 01
tangible_audio: Swans & Duck Butts
tangible_audio: Trumpeter Swans 02
tangible_audio: Sea Lions 01
tangible_audio: Scoter and Sea Lions
tangible_audio: Surf Scoters
tangible_audio: Sea Lions 02
tangible_audio: The Dock Master
tangible_audio: Tried my first bone marrow tonight at #TheFlyingPig Gastown. So rich and delicious. @rozlynfyoung @ange.scott @newishman #canadaday2015
tangible_audio: The Matt-jito. Muddled blueberries and mint with grapefruit bitters. @themodernbartender
tangible_audio: Today's cocktail: my first Old Fashioned. Pretty tasty, I've gotta say. @themodernbartender
tangible_audio: Summer mojito. I think these might be becoming my favorite drink.
tangible_audio: Aviation cocktail for @rozlynfyoung
tangible_audio: I call this the B-Caesar. Made with @waltercaesar mix, @oddsocietyspirits East Van Vodka, and rimmed with pepper and @vanislesalt Smoked Sea Salt. Then bammed up with some extra spices :)
tangible_audio: Found an old pic of @rozlynfyoung from our first trip to Vancouver to find an apartment before film school. So I figured, let's instagram that shit up!
tangible_audio: P9290042
tangible_audio: P9290031