spollock61: Coyote (explored)
spollock61: Circle of life
spollock61: White Egret
spollock61: Hooded Merganser
spollock61: Lone Tree
spollock61: Foggy wetlands
spollock61: Field of webs
spollock61: Garter Snake
spollock61: Dandelion
spollock61: Searching
spollock61: Lone Barn Swallow
spollock61: Staring Contest
spollock61: Foggy fall morning
spollock61: River Otter
spollock61: Stalking
spollock61: Posing Doe
spollock61: Bright moss
spollock61: Juvenile Stare
spollock61: Sandhill Cranes
spollock61: Egret in flight
spollock61: Blending in
spollock61: Juvenile Red Tail Hawk
spollock61: Bunny
spollock61: Wilson's Snipe
spollock61: Give me some food!!
spollock61: Killdeer
spollock61: Killdeer relaxing
spollock61: American Goldfinch
spollock61: Barn Swallow singing