judi may: 01/16: Recycle your mops here
judi may: 16/366: Floating
judi may: 26/366: All alone (03/52)
judi may: 34/366: Watch your P's & Q's
judi may: 42/366: Out of the blue 05/52
judi may: 44/366: Half hearted 06/52
judi may: 50/366: For the record 07/52
judi may: 08/52: The pipes are calling
judi may: 09/52: Thirsty work
judi may: 10/52: Fine dining
judi may: 82/366: Big softy
judi may: 90/366: Daisy, daisy 12/52 [Explored]
judi may: 13/52: Oh, I do like to be beside the seaside...
judi may: 99/366: Decaying beauty...14/52
judi may: 110/366: Where flowers bloom, so does hope...Lady Bird Johnson
judi may: 114/366: Bluebell woods abstract pattern
judi may: 17/52: St. Mary's Church [Explored]
judi may: 132/366: Keep out
judi may: 19/52: Sylvia's mother said...
judi may: 143/366: In the beginning
judi may: 21/52: Podge
judi may: 161/366: Cool water
judi may: 168/366: The times they are a-changin'...Bob Dylan
judi may: 24/52: Gateway to the other side
judi may: 177/366: Cold feet
judi may: 185/366: The grand opening
judi may: 195/366: surprise ingredient
judi may: 28/52: In the shadows
judi may: 29/52: Who gives a fig?
judi may: 30/52: Despair [Explored]