Grenville Godfrey: Eastbourne past - Ratton Hall (Manor) - Willingdon - Great Fire - 1891 (illustration 1892)
Grenville Godfrey: Eastbourne past - Vestry Hall Grove Road - 1875-1902
Grenville Godfrey: Eastbourne past - Devonshire Park - Bandstand
Grenville Godfrey: Eastbourne past - Devonshire Park - Indian Pavilion 2
Grenville Godfrey: Eastbourne past - Devonshire Park - Indian Pavilion 3
Grenville Godfrey: Eastbourne past - Devonshire Park - Indian Pavilion
Grenville Godfrey: Eastbourne past - All Saints' Children's Hospital (2)
Grenville Godfrey: Eastbourne past - All Saints' Children's Hospital
Grenville Godfrey: Eastbourne past - Churchdale Road Corporation Bus Depot
Grenville Godfrey: Eastbourne past - Eastbourne Ladies' College later Pennell House - Grassington Road - 1935
Grenville Godfrey: Eastbourne past - Merlyn - Devonshire Place
Grenville Godfrey: Eastbourne past - Star Brewery from Ocklynge Road
Grenville Godfrey: Eastbourne past - Beachy Head Hotel
Grenville Godfrey: Eastbourne past - Mostyn Hotel
Grenville Godfrey: Eastbourne past - Star Brewery - 1880s
Grenville Godfrey: Eastbourne past - Princess Alice Hospital
Grenville Godfrey: Eastbourne past - J Sainsbury - probably Terminus Road - c1920-30s
Grenville Godfrey: Eastbourne past - Loxwood - Upper Carlisle Road
Grenville Godfrey: Eastbourne past - All Saints' Hospital - Children's Hosptial
Grenville Godfrey: Eastbourne past - Ascham St Vincents Meads - c1930
Grenville Godfrey: Eastbourne past - Devonshire Swimming Baths - c1930
Grenville Godfrey: Eastbourne past - Marine Hotel - c1930
Grenville Godfrey: Eastbourne past - Waterworks Chimney demolished
Grenville Godfrey: Eastbourne past - Waterworks Chimney demolition 3
Grenville Godfrey: Eastbourne past - Waterworks Chimney demolition 2
Grenville Godfrey: Eastbourne past - Waterworks Chimney demolition 1
Grenville Godfrey: Eastbourne past - Waterworks Chimney
Grenville Godfrey: Eastbourne past - The Croft Holiday Home - St Annes Road - front veranda
Grenville Godfrey: Eastbourne past - The Croft Holiday Home - St Annes Road
Grenville Godfrey: Eastbourne past - Martello Tower collapse - the Crumbles