Grenville Godfrey: Eatbourne past ~ Central Bandstand and Pier
Grenville Godfrey: Eatbourne past ~ Central Bandstand
Grenville Godfrey: Eatbourne past ~ Central Parade and Bandstand
Grenville Godfrey: Eastbourne past ~ Bandstand and Pier 1930s
Grenville Godfrey: Eastbourne past ~ Bandstand from the air
Grenville Godfrey: Eastbourne past ~ Grand Parade Bandstand (2)
Grenville Godfrey: Eastbourne past ~ Grand Parade Bandstand and Wish Tower
Grenville Godfrey: Eastbourne past ~ Grand Parade Bandstand illuminated
Grenville Godfrey: Eastbourne past ~ promenades and Bandstand, post 1945
Grenville Godfrey: Eastbourne past ~ promenades and Bandstand, pre-1940
Grenville Godfrey: Eastbourne past ~ Bandstand colour ~ late 1930s
Grenville Godfrey: Eastbourne past ~ Grand Parade and Bandstand 2
Grenville Godfrey: Eastbourne past ~ Grand Parade Bandstand ~ late 1930s
Grenville Godfrey: Eastbourne past ~ Grand Parade and Bandstand early 1900-20
Grenville Godfrey: Eastbourne past ~ Grand Parade and Bandstand 5
Grenville Godfrey: Eastbourne past ~ Central Bandstand and Pier from beach, early 1920s
Grenville Godfrey: Eastbourne past ~ Central Bandstand and the beach 2
Grenville Godfrey: Eastbourne past ~ old Bandstand from the beach
Grenville Godfrey: Eastbourne past ~ Bandstand, post WWII
Grenville Godfrey: Eastbourne past ~ Bandstand and bathing machines
Grenville Godfrey: Eastbourne past ~ Bandstand and Pier, late 1930s
Grenville Godfrey: Eastbourne past ~ Bandstand and beach, early 1920s
Grenville Godfrey: Eastbourne past ~ Bandstand and beach, early 1920s
Grenville Godfrey: Eastbourne past ~ Bandstand and beach, early 1920s
Grenville Godfrey: Eastbourne past - Redoubt Gardens
Grenville Godfrey: Eastbourne past ~ Redoubt Bandstand pre 1926
Grenville Godfrey: Eastbourne past ~ The Redoubt 2
Grenville Godfrey: Eastbourne past ~ the Redoubt Bandstand (2)
Grenville Godfrey: Eastbourne past ~ Royal Parade and Bandsatand
Grenville Godfrey: Eastboure past - Grand Parade promenades, Bandstand and Pier