Sündew: 'Conospermum tenuifolium'
Sündew: A very rare plant
Sündew: Waratah (Telopea speciosissima: Proteaceae)
Sündew: Adenanthus obovata
Sündew: Hakea corymbosa
Sündew: Isopogon teretifolius
Sündew: Conospermum hookeri - a rare shrub from Tasmania
Sündew: As you do
Sündew: Planted treefern
Sündew: Large 'Dendrobium speciosum' plant
Sündew: Southern Beech and treeferns, Barrington Tops
Sündew: Tetrabaculum tetragonum in flower
Sündew: Bearded Orchid ('Calochilus robertsonii') with flower spider
Sündew: Mountain Greenhood Orchid
Sündew: Diuris venosa
Sündew: 'Diuris tricolor' near Muswellbrook
Sündew: Diuris praecox
Sündew: Spiranthes australis
Sündew: A Hyacinth Orchid 'Dipodium roseum' at Ebor
Sündew: 'Glossodia major'
Sündew: Caladenia discoidea
Sündew: Caladenia catenata
Sündew: Lyperanthus suaveolens
Sündew: 'Pterostylis recurva' in the hills east of Perth
Sündew: 'Pterostylis barbata' in the hills east of Perth
Sündew: Arthropodium milleflorum
Sündew: Tricoryne elatior, Nelsons Bay
Sündew: A native Aroid
Sündew: Crinum flaccidum and Calostemma purpureum at Nyngan in March 2002
Sündew: A native lily 'Drymophila moorei' near Point Lookout