aston5man: Fun Run Dog
aston5man: Rolling, Rolling, Rolling ....
aston5man: Well painted
aston5man: Oh Happy Days
aston5man: Time to clean up
aston5man: Still happy at the moment
aston5man: Blow your hooter
aston5man: Still smiling
aston5man: Must wash my hair later
aston5man: What was I thinking?
aston5man: I think the visor is working
aston5man: Seriously?
aston5man: Cloud of descending purple paint
aston5man: Missed me, Ha!
aston5man: At last, nearly there.
aston5man: I think they got me
aston5man: How cool do I look?
aston5man: On the home run
aston5man: Haven't had so much fun in ages
aston5man: Success, did I win?
aston5man: This hat was white when I started
aston5man: Nearly over
aston5man: Disappearing act
aston5man: Brenda and Liz get Bombarded