rmsveronica: DSC_0839 "Shadows & Colors"
rmsveronica: "Colors and Shadows"
rmsveronica: "Fall Foliage"
rmsveronica: DSC_0179 "Focal B&W
rmsveronica: DSC_0469 "Looking to the Sky"
rmsveronica: "Angelic Pose"
rmsveronica: DSC_0829
rmsveronica: "Shadows"
rmsveronica: " A Nice Summer Day"
rmsveronica: "Old Cemetery"
rmsveronica: "Shadows and Light"
rmsveronica: "Colors and Shadows"
rmsveronica: " Fall Colors"
rmsveronica: "Shadows, LIght, and Colors"
rmsveronica: "Greenmount Cemetery"
rmsveronica: "Greenmount Cemetery"
rmsveronica: Eternal Rest.
rmsveronica: "Artistic View"
rmsveronica: " Keeping Watch"
rmsveronica: "Stone Face"
rmsveronica: "Greenmount Cemetery"
rmsveronica: The Lost Child
rmsveronica: "An Erie Chill"
rmsveronica: "Shadows and Light"
rmsveronica: "Autumn in the Cemetery"
rmsveronica: "Abandoned Cemetery"
rmsveronica: Greenmount Cemetery
rmsveronica: Greenmount cemetery