LondonLomax: Don't Mess With Me, Can't You See I'm King of the Jungle
LondonLomax: Brothers in Arms
LondonLomax: A Very Regal Pose
LondonLomax: One, two, three, JUMP.....
LondonLomax: I'm sure I could get a medal for this...
LondonLomax: Ultimate Charge
LondonLomax: Come on, just a bit to the right and you are all mine, all mine I say
LondonLomax: If I've said it once I've said it twice, do not, I repeat, do not steal my food....
LondonLomax: Peek-A-Boo
LondonLomax: Thoughtful Lynx
LondonLomax: I'm Coming to Get You...
LondonLomax: Sweet and Sour
LondonLomax: Beautiful Brothers
LondonLomax: Tiger Woburn