Kristymp: Bumble on Blackberry blossoms
Kristymp: Aphids
Kristymp: Mantis
Kristymp: Mantis..
Kristymp: Found itself in a pickle
Kristymp: Hopper
Kristymp: Another view
Kristymp: You have to look pretty close....
Kristymp: What do you call this one?
Kristymp: Good morning sunshine!!
Kristymp: Wings
Kristymp: Japanese Beetle?
Kristymp: Doing their Red Ant thing
Kristymp: Not alive!
Kristymp: Red Dragonflies
Kristymp: I'm back
Kristymp: In flight
Kristymp: Let's not pick this ear of corn
Kristymp: Spider
Kristymp: Beetle...
Kristymp: On my windshield
Kristymp: Getting into it's work
Kristymp: Honey Bees and Crocus
Kristymp: busy
Kristymp: Daring jumping spider...I shall call him/her Beefsteak
Kristymp: BIG and scary, in the garden
Kristymp: Sphinx Moth
Kristymp: Grapevine Beetle
Kristymp: Hummingbird Moth