wigggrit: Mountain Laurel
wigggrit: Hannah at the Twin Towers
wigggrit: Unknown unopened blossom
wigggrit: Galax in the Chimneys
wigggrit: Galax blossom
wigggrit: Bear Grass
wigggrit: Rhododendron seed pods
wigggrit: Mountain Laurel
wigggrit: I don't know what this is but I liked it
wigggrit: Bear Grass Or Turkey Beard but definitely Xerophyllum Asphodeloides
wigggrit: Bear Grass at the ground
wigggrit: More Bear Grass
wigggrit: In the Chimneys
wigggrit: Bear Grass
wigggrit: Staghorn Sumac blossom
wigggrit: Bob, LaUna and Larry inside the tunnels
wigggrit: Bob, Larry and Hannah in the tunnels
wigggrit: Some goat left a jug
wigggrit: Looking back at Rhubarb and Ice Cream.
wigggrit: All this needs exploration
wigggrit: Looking down from Ouch Rock.
wigggrit: That needs exploration
wigggrit: Looking down for trail
wigggrit: Faulkner Knob was wiped clean in the last fire
wigggrit: Rhubarb and Ice Cream from Ouch Rock
wigggrit: An interesting rock
wigggrit: Looking across Chimney Gap to the great beyond from Rhubarb
wigggrit: That's a hard place to make a living
wigggrit: Another cool spot
wigggrit: Thomas on the way up the separation crack