wigggrit: Launch site
wigggrit: On the Catawba River
wigggrit: Moving On
wigggrit: Conley cave
wigggrit: From Hacker's Point
wigggrit: Rhododendron
wigggrit: At Hacker's Point
wigggrit: A very dry Blue Jay Falls
wigggrit: Split Rock
wigggrit: Another Rhodo
wigggrit: Princess Tree at The Balcony growing in a very unusual place.
wigggrit: The chimes at The Balcony
wigggrit: The Gnome Tree
wigggrit: Gnome tree
wigggrit: In Zen canyon
wigggrit: Zen Waterfall
wigggrit: An Orchid or something
wigggrit: At Bear Cellar
wigggrit: Along Hurricane Wall
wigggrit: Bugs Eating Mushroom
wigggrit: Abe at Celestial Point
wigggrit: At Celestial Point
wigggrit: Resting at Celestial Point
wigggrit: Dennis at Plunge Basin
wigggrit: On the big rock in Plunge Basin
wigggrit: Tree growing in a hard place to make a living
wigggrit: Mountain Goats
wigggrit: Climbing around
wigggrit: Pretty flower on the wall of Plunge Basin
wigggrit: Daniel, Josiah and Albin at Plunge Basin