wigggrit: Erik, Mike, Matt, Al, Billy, John, Pod, Nick, Dunja, Trey
wigggrit: Pod, Crazytrain and Billy on the cliffs
wigggrit: Below The Cliifs
wigggrit: Gorge Full of Rats
wigggrit: At an overhang
wigggrit: At an overhang2
wigggrit: We came across there
wigggrit: Rockefeller Plaza
wigggrit: My sweatshirt is melting and running down my arm
wigggrit: Bear paws
wigggrit: We went that way
wigggrit: Solitary Pussytoes
wigggrit: Daffodil Flats3
wigggrit: Another weird ridged rock
wigggrit: Dwarf Cinquefoil
wigggrit: Somebody call 911 before I bleed to death
wigggrit: Clouds over Cambric
wigggrit: Pod and Matt resting after a long day
wigggrit: Gorge Rat intros
wigggrit: Bugs at Daffodil Flats video
wigggrit: Daffodil Flats video 1
wigggrit: Gorge Rats going up Unnamed Trail
wigggrit: Blue Hole Video
wigggrit: Dunja at Rockefeller Plaza Video 1
wigggrit: Rockefeller Plaza Video 3
wigggrit: Blue Hole Video