wigggrit: Sidney, Olivia and Ethan near Celestial Trail
wigggrit: Ethan, Sidney and Olivia at Celestial Pt
wigggrit: Beauty and the Gorge
wigggrit: Sidney and Lea at Celestial Pt
wigggrit: The crew hiding under a rock on Celestial Trail
wigggrit: Rubicon and the Western Wall
wigggrit: Devils Razor from Angel Point
wigggrit: Gorge from Angel Point
wigggrit: HB and TR from Celestial Pt
wigggrit: HB and TR fron Celestial
wigggrit: Shortoff from Celestial Pt
wigggrit: At Celestial Pt
wigggrit: Devil's Hole Valley from Celestial
wigggrit: Climbers near Babels Tower
wigggrit: North from Devils Cliff
wigggrit: Windy Pt from Devils Cliff
wigggrit: Brushy Ridge from Devils Cliff
wigggrit: Avatars Rib and Brushy Ridge from Devils Cliff
wigggrit: Babel Tower and Jebal Musa
wigggrit: Turn to Angel Point
wigggrit: Angel Point Map