wigggrit: Jebal Musa from Two Pine Point
wigggrit: Ice above Big Hole Canyon
wigggrit: More Ice above Big Hole Canyon
wigggrit: Ice on Canyon Wall
wigggrit: The Ice Man
wigggrit: Marshall is an Ice Man too
wigggrit: Icicles
wigggrit: Icicles and an orange ribbon
wigggrit: Big Ice
wigggrit: Big I ce on Canyon Wall
wigggrit: I hope it doesnt fall
wigggrit: Way Too Far Point atop Futuristic Wall
wigggrit: End of Futuristic Point
wigggrit: Somewhere
wigggrit: Marshall standing on air
wigggrit: That is far enough
wigggrit: Futuristic Point and Midcliff Point
wigggrit: Avatar and Babels from Midcliff Point
wigggrit: Scary
wigggrit: We came down that way
wigggrit: Marshall on the way down
wigggrit: Marshall between the walls
wigggrit: Bob's Ammo Box
wigggrit: Marshall defying gravity at end of Midcliff
wigggrit: Babel Tower from Midcliff
wigggrit: From Midcliff
wigggrit: Rough country near Midcliff
wigggrit: We came down that mess
wigggrit: You really had to be there
wigggrit: Windy Point with Peter, James and John in the background