rmurena: DSCN1146
rmurena: DSCN1144
rmurena: DSCN1142
rmurena: DSCN1141
rmurena: DSCN1138
rmurena: the other shoe dropped
rmurena: cleaveland (convection) steamer
rmurena: DSCN1133
rmurena: DSCN1132
rmurena: DSCN1131
rmurena: Take a seat
rmurena: DSCN1129
rmurena: Sorry, you may not go up.
rmurena: DSCN1126
rmurena: a taste of the tropics
rmurena: We thought you could use some cheering up.
rmurena: rack 'em up
rmurena: dorm
rmurena: DSCN1117
rmurena: stairs
rmurena: There's always so much to do!
rmurena: Lonely buildings. Lonely man with a guitar.
rmurena: DSCN1107
rmurena: DSCN1105
rmurena: lean back and relax
rmurena: There's always a light at the end of the hallway.
rmurena: Holy patient files, Batman!
rmurena: T is for Telephone
rmurena: four.
rmurena: Five.