rashelton: Minerva
rashelton: Baby Bulge
rashelton: Shadow Dog
rashelton: Saddlebred Foal
rashelton: Sea Star
rashelton: Me and the big bay hoss
rashelton: Hello Eliot!
rashelton: Bailey dog
rashelton: Becca and kitties
rashelton: Happy Birthday, Eliot, from all of my cats!
rashelton: Zeus, squishy porch cat
rashelton: Minerva, cute shoe cat
rashelton: Peter, lil' nub-tailed cat
rashelton: cat love
rashelton: Calliope, pretty window cat
rashelton: Boogie, ancient and bitchy house cat
rashelton: ... and Sally, the roly-poly dog
rashelton: sad Bailey
rashelton: Biggie
rashelton: Opossum