kevaruka: Fart Car 170419 at Mansfield on 07-10-2021
kevaruka: DBC Class 66/0 no 66194 on the rear of the Toton to Toton RHTT at Mansfield 07-10-2021
kevaruka: Network Rail DBSO no 9708 on the front of the RTC to High Marnham Test Train at Mansfield on 07-10-2021
kevaruka: Colas hired Class 37/6 no 37610 on the rear of the RTC to High Marnham Test Train at Mansfield on 07-10-2021
kevaruka: DBC Class 66/0 no 66015 approaches Mansfield Station on 07-10-2021 with the Toton to Toton RHTT