fotostevia: Meta Lake, Mt. St. Helens, July 1983
fotostevia: Mt. St. Helens, July 1983, II
fotostevia: Mt. St. Helens and Spirit Lake, July 1983
fotostevia: Spirit Lake from Windy Ridge, July 1983, II
fotostevia: Spirit Lake from Windy Ridge, July 1983, I
fotostevia: Mt. St. Helens, July 1983, I
fotostevia: Windy Ridge: End of the Road
fotostevia: Vernal Falls, Yosemite NP
fotostevia: Adams Glacier
fotostevia: Half Dome in Early Spring
fotostevia: Snowy Cliffs Above Camp Curry
fotostevia: Tenaya Creek, Early Spring