fotostevia: Moon Bridge
fotostevia: Flat Garden
fotostevia: Diamond Pool, Take I
fotostevia: Diamond Pool, Take II
fotostevia: Zen Garden, Margin
fotostevia: The "Old Man" Tree, Take I
fotostevia: The "Old Man" Tree, Take II
fotostevia: The "Old Man" Tree, Take III
fotostevia: A Cool Drink
fotostevia: Flaming Branches
fotostevia: Flat Garden, Leading Lines Take 1 : Defished
fotostevia: Flaming Branches, Take II
fotostevia: Flat Garden, Leading Lines Take II
fotostevia: Flaming Branches, Take III
fotostevia: Flaming Branches (Kodachrome)
fotostevia: Wooden Bridge (Kodachrome)