Map of ancient Buddhism missions by Ashoka Raja (Ashoka the Great). Spredningen av Buddhismen i tiden da Ashoka den store (260 – 218 BCE) regjerte Maurya riket i det gamle India (inkl. dagens India, Pakistan, Nepal?, Kashmir)
Dharma i.e. ancient Buddhism missions to the east Mahayana Map. Den gamle buddhismens spredning fra India til Øst-Asia
The Missions of ancient Buddhism from Sri Lanka and eastwards - Theravada Map. Misjon av den gamle buddhismen østøver fra Sri-Lanka
Map of the Empire of Alexander the Great also called "Alexander III of Macedon" (356 – 323 BCE). The Macedonian Empire. Hellenismens storhetstid: Kart over riket til Aleksander den store.
Aparanta, or Aparantaka meaning Western border -ancient India, corresp. to the northern Konkan, northern Gujarat, Kathiawar, Kachch and Sindh.
Map over the Indo-Greek Kingdom i.e. Greco-Bactrian Kingdom. Kart over the Indo-Greske dvs. det Indo-Baktriske kongedømmet
Distribution of dialects in Greece ca. 400 CE. Ref. Ernst Risch, Museum Helveticum, 1955. Map made by Dbachmann at the English language Wikipedia, 2005
1762 Janvier Map of western Russia, Scandinavia Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland Geographicus Scandinavia. Sverige hadde ekspandert til Petsjenga (Petsamo) og Varanger dvs. Waranger se kart
Sami traditional land "Oulusjaur", west of Sorsele in Västerbotten County, Sweden. Part of Jonas Persson Gedda's map of Umeå lappmark from 1671. Oulusjaur: et samisk område nær Sorsele i Västerbottens län, dette er Jonas Persson Geddas kart, 1671
Inarius. Inari, Enare, Anares. History: Indiager, Indjager (several old texts from Norway, 1700-1800 and early 1900's)
Gulappelant and Pilappelant on Nicholas Donis's 1482 edition of Ptolemy's 2nd Century CE Cosmographia Map
Eurasian Steppe Belt. Pink Approximate pathway of the Eurasian steppe belt. Map is from NASA blue marble project
Extent of Western Roman Empire 395, this is before the Eastern Christian Romans took charge over the older Western Roman Empire - which declined after 400 CE
The largest extent of the Roman Empire ca 400 AD. It was before the Western Empire declined when the Christian Romans took charge. This made Byzantine the capital instead of Rome
The much older Western Roman Empire declined. A map of the territories controlled by Eastern (Red) and the Western Roman Empires as of 476AD.
Map of the boundaries of the Western Roman Empire (red) - and - the Eastern Christian Roman Empire after the death of Theodosius I, in 395 AD.
Eastern Christian Roman Empire, Constantinople. Medieval period map by Cristoforo Buondelmonti, a Florentine cartographer: volume Liber insularum archipelagi. It fell to the Ottoman Empire in 1299
Present day Finland: 1730 Homann Map of Scandinavia. Finnia. Finlan, and Sinus Finnicus