saamiblog: Ζευς. Archaic Indo-Greek God Zeus i.e. Zevs at Heraklion Museum Crete First known depiction - detail. Den arkaisk greske guden Zevs på det hellige fjellet Ida dvs.
saamiblog: Ζευς [Sus]. Archaic Indo-Greek God Zeus i.e. Zevs at Heraklion Museum Crete. First known depiction. Første kjente avbildning av Zevs fra 8 - 7 århundre BCE.
saamiblog: Zevs-njarg. A standing stone & stone circle labyrinth at a place with the old name Zevs-gadge. In Sami language: "Ceavccegeađge". With the more meaningless Norwegian name: Mortensnes. Varanger is in Finnmark Norway. Bautastein eller stående stein
saamiblog: Standing stones at Borve: - 101019 Stående steiner i Borve, Skottland
saamiblog: Olympia Temple of Zeus, Archaic Greek. Arkaisk gresk temple til guden Zeus i Olympia
saamiblog: East end of the Temple of Zeus / Zevs in Olympia. Templet til Zeus i arkaisk greske Olympia
saamiblog: Archaic Greek - Hellenistic - Workshop of Phidias at Olympia, where it is said he fashioned the cryselephantine statue of Zeus or Zevs, one of the Seven Wonders of the World.
saamiblog: Early Doric temple at Kardaki, Korkyra or Kérkyra , Mon Repos in Corfu is an important place of the ancient world. 600–580 BC. Tidlig Dorisk (Torisk) tempel i Kardaki, Mon Repos på Korfu. Et viktig sted i antikkens verden
saamiblog: The archaic Roman Temple of Apollo in Pompeii. Det arkaisk romerske templet til Apollo i Pompeii
saamiblog: An archaic temple in Pompeii and Vesuvius volcano mountain. Et arkaisk Romersk tempel i Pompeii og vulkanen i bakgrunnen
saamiblog: 2nd Century Roman Empire mosaics from Palestrine in Rome, Italy. Mosaikk av Ulysses dvs. Odyssevs og Sirens fra en Mansio på de viktigste Prenestina-Polense. 2 århundre. Roma arkeologi.
saamiblog: See comments. Does Odissa, Odisha & Odysseus something to to with Nordic Odin? Vase: Odyssevs & Sirens Gammel gresk vase som viser Odyssevs og sirener. Har Odissa, Odisha, Odyssevs og Odin noe med hverandre å gjøre?
saamiblog: Archaic Roman mosaic with offering altar (resembling the ones of the Nordic Sami culture) in Catalonia, Spain. 4th Century CE. Archeological Museum in Catalonia, Barcelona. Alter i Katalonia som likner samenes offeralter i den gamle religionen
saamiblog: Samisk Nojd / Noaide hamskiftebelte fra Karesuando, Sverige. Sami Noaid-priest transformation belt from Karesuando, Sweden. Exhibited in Dr. Cagliostro Kuriosakabinettet. Internett:
saamiblog: Beltebeslag fra Vikingtiden dvs. Jernalderen på Historiske Museet i Stockholm.
saamiblog: Beltebeslag fra Vikingtiden dvs. Jernalderen. Belt fittings and buckle from Iron-Age (Viking era) Sweden
saamiblog: Depiction of an ancient Sami god, likely Thoragalles (i.e. Tiermes when he thunders). Suncrosses are engraved into the wooden figure. Gammel samisk gud, sannsynligvis Thoragalles (Tormannen) en gud m. mange ulike navn. Solkors er innrisset
saamiblog: Sweden Lunds backe i Vallerstads socken i Östergötland. Standing stone burial area in Vallerstad, Sweden
saamiblog: The holy (sacred) oak tree (Figos) of Zeus from the Hellenistic era. Remains of the sanctuary of Zeus Dodonaios in Dodona. Et hellig eiketre i forbindelse med den arkaiske guden Zeus, Hellas
saamiblog: Greek temple to Zeus Olympios, in Umm Qais, Jordan from the 2nd century BCE, Doric style. The Greek gods were worshiped in the Near East in ancient time. Ancient coins minted in Gadara (Jordan) 1st century BC depicts Zeus in a Doric temple w. four column
saamiblog: Ζευς. Idäische Grotte. Archaic Indo-Greek God Zeus found in a cave at Holy mountain Ideon. Geometric period late 8th-7th c. BCE. Heraklion Museum Crete First known depiction - detail. Den hellenistiske guden Zevs på det hellige fjellet Ida
saamiblog: East end of the Temple of Zeus in Olympia. Photo by Wknight94, 2010
saamiblog: Cave at the Holy Mountain of Ida i.e. Ideon at Crete, Hellas. Photo by Olaf Tausch, 2012
saamiblog: Syracuse, Italy, Temple of Olympian Zeus. Photo by Azotoliquido, 2008
saamiblog: Panoramic view of the holy Mountain Olympus. Photo by E.asphyx, 2010
saamiblog: Dikti a holy mountain on Crete, Greece. Hellas. Photo by Lathios, 2007