Archaic Greek - Hellenistic - Workshop of Phidias at Olympia, where it is said he fashioned the cryselephantine statue of Zeus or Zevs, one of the Seven Wonders of the World.
School of Homer at Ithaca or Ithaki, Greece. An upper level 2nd, behind the so called - Early Greek temple- an older round construction below the surface can be clearly seen. Homers skole på Ithaca, Hellas
School of Homer at Ithaca, Greece. Stairs curved on the rock that connect the two levels of the structure. Homers skole
An archaic temple in Pompeii and Vesuvius volcano mountain. Et arkaisk Romersk tempel i Pompeii og vulkanen i bakgrunnen
Archaic Roman Samian (from Samos) Pompeii, Italy. En alter for Samians i Pompeii. Rekonstruksjon
The archaic Roman Temple of Apollo in Pompeii. Det arkaisk romerske templet til Apollo i Pompeii
Early Doric temple at Kardaki, Korkyra or Kérkyra , Mon Repos in Corfu is an important place of the ancient world. 600–580 BC. Tidlig Dorisk (Torisk) tempel i Kardaki, Mon Repos på Korfu. Et viktig sted i antikkens verden
East end of the Temple of Zeus / Zevs in Olympia. Templet til Zeus i arkaisk greske Olympia
Lapith and Centaur Curtius Olympia Hera tempel in Olympia 1877 Figuren aus dem Westgiebel. Kentaur Centaur
Centaur ornament on Lunner church. Likely remains from an old pagan temple. Kentaur med pil og bue på ytterveggen av Lunner kirke i Akershus. Sannsynlig fra hedensk tempel
Lunner Norway Pre-Christian Winged figures with turban - likely these are remains from an old temple - at the wall of Lunner Church Akershus Norway
Centaur Winged figure with turban Buddhism or Saivism - Angel - A Suparna (evt. a Garuda) from Mathura Exhibited at Lucknow museum India c. 273 BC-232 BC
Olympia Archaic Greek (photo from 1877) Hermes God. Den arkaiske guden Hermes i et tempel, Olympia, Hellas
First known depiction of Archaic Greek God Hermes 6th century BCE - Den arkaiske Greske guden Hermes
Archaic Roman Apollon stele from Curtry (54), France. Musée lorrain, Nancy. Espérandieu 7612. Arkaisk Romersk avbilding av Apollon
Apollo w. kithara is holding a phiale (flat cup) for Nike (Victory) to pour a libation. Between them is a omphalos (i.e. Marble). Roman copy of the late 1st century CE. Pagan i.e. Pre-Christian neo-Attic Hellenistic era
Scylla Gold pin figure Mistress of the Animals (potnia theron). Gold with granulation, ca. 630 BC. Sirens
See comments. Does Odissa, Odisha & Odysseus something to to with Nordic Odin? Vase: Odyssevs & Sirens Gammel gresk vase som viser Odyssevs og sirener. Har Odissa, Odisha, Odyssevs og Odin noe med hverandre å gjøre?
Doric Lapiths - Lapitas - A centaur tries to carry off Hippodameia (here called Laodameia) while Perithoos [Peirithoüs or Peirithous] and Theseus resist. Detail from an Apulian red-figure calyx-krater, ca. 350-340 BC. From Anzi.
Archaic Roman Mosaics in Cephalonia, Greece. Arkaisk romersk mosaikk fra villa fra 4.århundret CE i Skala, Kefalonia, Hellas. Offerscene med to menn og et offerdyr. Gresk
Religiøse symboler fra Vardø, Finnmark. Jernalder - Middelalder. Religious jewelry Norway Finnmark Vardø, Norway. 900-1000 CE. See comment. Se kommentar
Religiøse symboler fra Vardø, Finnmark. Jernalder - Middelalder. Religious jewelry Norway Finnmark Vardø, Norway. 900-1000 CE. See comment. Se kommentar
Hekate an Italian Etruscan goddess is offering at an altar. 350-300 BCE. Den Etruskiske gudinnen Hekate ofrrer ved et alter