saamiblog: Archaic Greek - Hellenistic - Workshop of Phidias at Olympia, where it is said he fashioned the cryselephantine statue of Zeus or Zevs, one of the Seven Wonders of the World.
saamiblog: School of Homer at Ithaca or Ithaki, Greece. An upper level 2nd, behind the so called - Early Greek temple- an older round construction below the surface can be clearly seen. Homers skole på Ithaca, Hellas
saamiblog: School of Homer at Ithaca, Greece. Stairs curved on the rock that connect the two levels of the structure. Homers skole
saamiblog: An archaic temple in Pompeii and Vesuvius volcano mountain. Et arkaisk Romersk tempel i Pompeii og vulkanen i bakgrunnen
saamiblog: An archaic Roman temple in Pompeji Pompeji. Et arkaisk tempel i Pompeii.
saamiblog: Archaic Roman Samian (from Samos) Pompeii, Italy. En alter for Samians i Pompeii. Rekonstruksjon
saamiblog: The archaic Roman Temple of Apollo in Pompeii. Det arkaisk romerske templet til Apollo i Pompeii
saamiblog: Early Doric temple at Kardaki, Korkyra or Kérkyra , Mon Repos in Corfu is an important place of the ancient world. 600–580 BC. Tidlig Dorisk (Torisk) tempel i Kardaki, Mon Repos på Korfu. Et viktig sted i antikkens verden
saamiblog: East end of the Temple of Zeus / Zevs in Olympia. Templet til Zeus i arkaisk greske Olympia
saamiblog: Olympia Temple of Zeus, Archaic Greek. Arkaisk gresk temple til guden Zeus i Olympia
saamiblog: Lapith and Centaur Curtius Olympia Hera tempel in Olympia 1877 Figuren aus dem Westgiebel. Kentaur Centaur
saamiblog: Centaur ornament on Lunner church. Likely remains from an old pagan temple. Kentaur med pil og bue på ytterveggen av Lunner kirke i Akershus. Sannsynlig fra hedensk tempel
saamiblog: Lunner Norway Pre-Christian Winged figures with turban - likely these are remains from an old temple - at the wall of Lunner Church Akershus Norway
saamiblog: Centaur Winged figure with turban Buddhism or Saivism - Angel - A Suparna (evt. a Garuda) from Mathura Exhibited at Lucknow museum India c. 273 BC-232 BC
saamiblog: Olympia Archaic Greek (photo from 1877) Hermes God. Den arkaiske guden Hermes i et tempel, Olympia, Hellas
saamiblog: First known depiction of Archaic Greek God Hermes 6th century BCE - Den arkaiske Greske guden Hermes
saamiblog: Archaic Roman Apollon stele from Curtry (54), France. Musée lorrain, Nancy. Espérandieu 7612. Arkaisk Romersk avbilding av Apollon
saamiblog: Apollo w. kithara is holding a phiale (flat cup) for Nike (Victory) to pour a libation. Between them is a omphalos (i.e. Marble). Roman copy of the late 1st century CE. Pagan i.e. Pre-Christian neo-Attic Hellenistic era
saamiblog: Standing stones at Borve: - 101019 Stående steiner i Borve, Skottland
saamiblog: Scylla Gold pin figure Mistress of the Animals (potnia theron). Gold with granulation, ca. 630 BC. Sirens
saamiblog: Tab LXXXVI Knud Leem 1767. Silfar i Porsanger. Norway
saamiblog: Tab LXXXVIII Knud Leem 1767
saamiblog: See comments. Does Odissa, Odisha & Odysseus something to to with Nordic Odin? Vase: Odyssevs & Sirens Gammel gresk vase som viser Odyssevs og sirener. Har Odissa, Odisha, Odyssevs og Odin noe med hverandre å gjøre?
saamiblog: Doric Lapiths - Lapitas - A centaur tries to carry off Hippodameia (here called Laodameia) while Perithoos [Peirithoüs or Peirithous] and Theseus resist. Detail from an Apulian red-figure calyx-krater, ca. 350-340 BC. From Anzi.
saamiblog: Archaic Roman Mosaics in Cephalonia, Greece. Arkaisk romersk mosaikk fra villa fra 4.århundret CE i Skala, Kefalonia, Hellas. Offerscene med to menn og et offerdyr. Gresk
saamiblog: Tab LXXXV Knud Leem 1767
saamiblog: Religiøse symboler fra Vardø, Finnmark. Jernalder - Middelalder. Religious jewelry Norway Finnmark Vardø, Norway. 900-1000 CE. See comment. Se kommentar
saamiblog: Religiøse symboler fra Vardø, Finnmark. Jernalder - Middelalder. Religious jewelry Norway Finnmark Vardø, Norway. 900-1000 CE. See comment. Se kommentar
saamiblog: Hekate an Italian Etruscan goddess is offering at an altar. 350-300 BCE. Den Etruskiske gudinnen Hekate ofrrer ved et alter
saamiblog: Hypogée des Volumni , pièce archéologique , Pérouse.