Archaic Greek Keramikos Museum, Athens. Tanagrines. Goddess with a frame-drum. Arkaisk gresk gudinne med rammetromme
Magna Mater Cybele or Kybele Mother Goddess with frame-drum. Archaic Roman Empire. Den store morsgudinnen Cybele med rammetromme fra det arkaiske Romerriket i Europa
Morsgudinnen i det arkaiske Romerriket. Archaic Roman Empire: Mother goddess Cybele was introduced into Rome during the Second Punic War in the late 3rd century B.C. and remained popular until early Christian time.
Kybele with tympanon with a patera and the tympanon about 350 BCE - Den store morsgudinnen fra det arkaiske Hellas
Vehicle with four horses from archaic Amathus City at Cyprus c. 400 CE. Calcare policromato, Amatunte (Cipro)
Frame- drum with central Sun-symbol on vase. Paestum, Italy, National Archaeological Museum, Vessel with Tymphanum.
Frame- drum with central Sun-symbol on Vase. Neck-amphora depicting the birth of Aphrodite, in Tomb 69 of Lucinella. Paestum. National Archeological Museum, Paestum, Italy.
Hekate an Italian Etruscan goddess is offering at an altar. 350-300 BCE. Den Etruskiske gudinnen Hekate ofrrer ved et alter
Artio Keltisk Gudinne og Bjørn. Muri statuette group. Goddess Artio Gallo Roman statuettes found in Bern, Switzerland, 1832.Historisches Museum Bern
Fønisisk Gudinne. Fenicia. Blessing goddess with Hathoric hairdress. Silver-plated bronze, Phoenician art, 8th century BC.
Clay figurine with Frame-drum. Exhibited in Haifa. Kvinnelig idol spiller rammetromme. Jern i to av det åttende århundret BCE. 8th Cenury BCE Shikmona.
Imagen de la cultura púnica (siglo IV- III aC) procedente de la Necrópolis Puig des Molins (Ibiza). España Conservada en el Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya.
Figura fenicia que representa a una divinidad oriental, probablemente la diosa Astarté. 7th cent BCE.
Gudinnen Ninsun i Sumer. Fragmentary relief dedicated to the goddess Ninsun, mother of Gilgamesh. Steatite, Neo-Sumerian Period. Louvre.
Isis fra Romersk tid. Statuette en bronze d'époque romaine - Isis - Museo Gregoriano du Vatican.
Tänzerin mit Tympanon, Knochenrelief, hellenistisch, 3-2,. Jh. v. Chr. Schaffhausen, Museum zu Allerheiligen, Sammlung Ebnöther (Abteilung Tanz)