Puma Ghostwalker:
Elisabeth's..... Hot Spot..... Nebula ..........
Puma Ghostwalker:
Yellowstone and Microbial Mats
Puma Ghostwalker:
This Is A Special Announcement:…..Star 21ZNA9 from the Andromeda galaxy just went Supernova.A gamma ray burst was discovered and NASA says there is no immediate present danger of radiation contamination
Puma Ghostwalker:
Ghost Plant (Monotropa uniflora)
Puma Ghostwalker:
My cousin a marine biologist with a leatherback sea turtle
Puma Ghostwalker:
2001: A Space Odyssey...Without your space helmet....... Dave........ you're going to find that rather difficult.
Puma Ghostwalker:
I'm A Witch..........Carl Orff.............Carmina Burana...I Practice Wicca and Native Spirituality....The Old Ways....
Puma Ghostwalker:
One Tin Soldier...."Peace on Earth" was all it said.
Puma Ghostwalker:
Animals Talk To Me............... In My Night Dreams…………I am a…… Black Rhino…………Please Help Me….
Puma Ghostwalker:
False Solomon's Seal or.......... Golden Seal, Job's Tears, Solomon's Plume, Treacle Berry, Wild Spikenard, Zigzag"
Puma Ghostwalker:
Nature is Brutally Beautiful………
Puma Ghostwalker:
"A Man Of War"........... Nebula is my artistic interpretation of a Binary Nebula.
Puma Ghostwalker:
Solomon’s Seal ......Polygonatum biflorum
Puma Ghostwalker:
Maiden Hair Leaves and Nuts…… Gingko biloba
Puma Ghostwalker:
Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum)
Puma Ghostwalker:
Bee Rescue Part 3………The Best I Could Do
Puma Ghostwalker:
………..The First Thing One Must Do………
Puma Ghostwalker:
Tamara......My Best Friend.... A Fire Horse Woman
Puma Ghostwalker:
My Mother Said...........
Puma Ghostwalker:
Queen Anne's Lace, so called because one tiny purplish floret in the centre is the queen.
Puma Ghostwalker:
Some things just can’t be explained……Some things just shouldn’t be explained……and…..Some things just shouldn’t be………With that kind of life………I’ll be your beast of burden….
Puma Ghostwalker:
Is it Queen Anne’s Lace or Hemlock?
Puma Ghostwalker:
Shaggy Mane (Coprinus comatus)
Puma Ghostwalker:
Beautiful Me...The Cat4
Puma Ghostwalker:
Fla Glades: This is just great; some human is photographing this spectacle.
Puma Ghostwalker:
Oak Apple..... The Superstitions and Folklore
Puma Ghostwalker:
Things........... Your Mama Didn’t Tell You About......
Puma Ghostwalker:
Maypole dancing
Puma Ghostwalker:
The Dreamcatcher......... Wisdom
Puma Ghostwalker:
Oak Apple with bore hole..... traces of iron-gall ink have been found on the Dead Sea scrolls and on the 'lost' Gospel of Judas. Iron-gall ink may have been used for 1,800 years