Puma Ghostwalker:
One of my many rocks at camp pouch
Puma Ghostwalker:
Geology... Herkimer Diamond in the matrix
Puma Ghostwalker:
420 Million year old Trilobite
Puma Ghostwalker:
380 Million year old Trilobites
Puma Ghostwalker:
Orange Roquefort
Puma Ghostwalker:
My Dear friends,
Puma Ghostwalker:
Trilobite (Phacops rana)
Puma Ghostwalker:
Trilobite (Greenops boothi)
Puma Ghostwalker:
Puma Ghostwalker:
Crinoid stem
Puma Ghostwalker:
Horn Coral (Stereolasmal rectum) and Crinoid Stems
Puma Ghostwalker:
Cephalopod spyroceras sp.
Puma Ghostwalker:
Phacops rana....PennDixie.org
Puma Ghostwalker:
Pelecypod paleoneilo sp. PennDixie.org
Puma Ghostwalker:
Pelecypod pterinopectep sp. PennDixie.org
Puma Ghostwalker:
Puma Ghostwalker:
Three(Trilobite) heads are better than one
Puma Ghostwalker:
Black Trilobite
Puma Ghostwalker:
Horn Coral Amplexiphyllum hamiltoniae
Puma Ghostwalker:
The Rock
Puma Ghostwalker:
Flint (Burrow) Nodule……..Video and Photos
Puma Ghostwalker:
Smile A Little Smile For Me………T-Rex
Puma Ghostwalker:
I Found This Ruby and Emerald While Hiking the Appalachian Trail