beadmatrix: The Hay Building, winter 08
beadmatrix: Rowhouses on Spring Street
beadmatrix: Snow in Monument Square, Portland 08
beadmatrix: The historic Hay Building, winter 08
beadmatrix: The Hay Building, on Congress
beadmatrix: The Hay Building, pre? or post snow!
beadmatrix: Town Hall, spring 09
beadmatrix: Town Hall, spring 09
beadmatrix: Town Hall, spring 09
beadmatrix: Dark and dreamy, across the water...
beadmatrix: Cherry blossoms, and the basin.
beadmatrix: Cherry blossoms, nicely framing the monument.
beadmatrix: Peek a boo...or just a bad shot?
beadmatrix: The Jefferson, obscured by blossoms.
beadmatrix: Julia, Butch and Zak by the basin.
beadmatrix: Julia, Butch and Zak, goofuses!
beadmatrix: Fambly, so much for serious!
beadmatrix: Jules, herself!
beadmatrix: Zak, Mr. Serious!