Here's the problem. "Tape Stuck"!! My mp3 adapter won't work, won't even try to eject either!
Gotta start by removing radio. That begins by disassembling the center console. Start by pulling up the base of the shifter.
Pull the leather shift boot up all the way around the shifter and turn the base of the shifter 180 degrees to unlock it. It will then slide off.
Remove trim panel beneath shifter by pulling up front and then sliding the back end of it forward.
Shifter now laid bare. Notice underside of trim panel showing fasteners. To put back in, slide rear into place and then position and pop the front fasteners into place.
Ashtray held in by small fasteners on either side. Pull these out slightly to free it.
Be careful not to break these. They look delicate, once they're freed, the ashtray will swing out.
Carefully place a small flat head screwdriver into the left side of the moving axis of the center vents to release them so they can move all the way up. This lays bare the T20 torx screws securing the center vents.
Remove both T20 Torx screws. Again, a small flat head screwdriver on the left axis of movement will free the vent giving access to the screws.
Sorry, but not pictured, there are also fasteners on the top inside the vents that need to be pulled down as you're pulling the vent out.
Once center vents are out, the upper center console will come right out. To completely remove it, you'll need to look down behind where the ashtray was and pop out the two spring fasteners to release the bottom.
Remove the one T20 Torx screw from each side of the radio. It'll slide out then. Remove connectors on back.
There's the magic button! Use something thin like a straightened paperclip to push it and that will open the tape door. This will also reset the system so that the eject function will work properly.
Closeup of magic button!
I actually used the ink cartridge from a cheap pen to push the button. Hey, whatever works!
One time did it, but one shot just wasn't good enough! I was so excited! LOL
Actually, here's where I went too far and got inside the deck by removing the five screws securing the lid. Notice the black plastic lever in the center front left. That's what you push through the hole in the top. Good chance to clean the tape head.
That's me pushing the little black lever with my finger, BECAUSE I CAN, DAMMIT!@! >:)